Convert PHP to ASP
Conversion issues
Convertor source
Feedback / Contact us
The following code is the convertor page, exactly as it appears here.
It was built 'quick and dirty' for a one-off internal project and therefore
may seem a bit opaque and longwinded at times.
This page imports the html file php-asp_equivalents.htm.
for the function equivalents list.
You may use this code, and php-asp_equivalents.htm
for your own use, provided that you agree to:
- allow us to add your improvements to both the convertor and its data
- credit us with a link if you place this code, or anything derived
from it, on a publicly accessible web server..
<TITLE>PHP - ASP convertor</TITLE>
<style type="text/css">
td { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000; text-decoration: none}
span { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none}
A { text-decoration:none color:#003300 }
A:hover { color:#660000 }
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#003300" vlink="#003300" alink="#660000">
<table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td valign="top"><img src="../php-asp-convertor.gif" width="100" height="106">
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP">
<input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-0833314467244560";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
google_ad_format = "120x600_as";
google_ad_channel ="";
<script type="text/javascript"
//echo $php_file;
function white_space($char){
$whitespace=' '.chr(13).chr(10).chr(9).' ';
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($whitespace); $i++){
if ($char==$whitespace[$i])
return $white;
function add_code_at_top($match){
//echo 'adding code at top'.$asp_top[$match];
global $asp_top;
global $asp_top_code;
global $asp_top_functions;
if ($asp_top[$match] && !strpos($asp_top_functions,','.$match.',')){
$asp_top_functions.='!,'.$match.','; // list of what's already included so we don't add functions more than once
function printout($string){
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($string); $i++){
echo $string[$i];
if (ord($string[$i])<32)
echo '['.ord($string[$i]).']';
function htmldecode($string){
$string=str_replace(' ',' ',$string);
return $string;
function findend($end,$current_position){
// ending is what we're looking for. nl= new line
global $php_file;
while ($php_file[$new_position]!=$endchr && $new_position<$end){
return $new_position;
function trimspace($string){
return $string;
// *********************************************************
function set_functions(){
global $php_functions;
global $asp_functions;
global $asp_endings;
global $asp_top;
global $asp_bottom;
global $bracketstack;
$page= fopen("php-asp_equivalents.htm", "r") or die("can't open file");
$pagestring=fread($page, 3000000);
fclose ($page);
$pagestring=str_replace(' ',' ',$pagestring);
$pagestring=str_replace(' ',' ',$pagestring);
$pagestring=str_replace(' ',' ',$pagestring);
$pagestring=str_replace('<br> ',chr(10),$pagestring);
$pagestring=str_replace('<br> ',chr(10),$pagestring);
for ($i=2; $i<count($rows); $i++){
// and now add the other functions
// ********************************************************************
function find_function($position,$endblockposition){
// this function goes through the functions, finds a match, and sets global variables for swap_function to swap it for the asp equivalent,
global $firstletters;
global $php_functions;
global $asp_functions;
global $matchedfunctions;
global $asp_endings;
global $php_file;
global $asp_file;
global $failure;
global $parts;
global $match;
global $bracketstack;
//echo '<p>looking for a function to swap for '.substr($php_file,$position,10).'...';
// is this with in our block??
//if ($php_file[$position]!='?'){
for ($i=1; $i<count($php_functions)+1; $i++){
//echo '<br>trying '.$php_functions[$i];
while (!$failed && !$match){
//echo $n.','.$fn.'<br>';
if($php_file[$n]==$php_functions[$i][$fn] OR strtolower($php_file[$n])==$php_functions[$i][$fn]){
//echo '<b>'.$php_file[$n].'</b>='.$php_functions[$i][$fn];
// (each space can be taken to be zero or more spaces)
if (white_space($php_file[$n]) && $php_functions[$i][$fn-1]==' '){
//echo 'whitespace in php file'.$php_file[$n].'<br>';
//echo 'whitespace in php functions'.$php_functions[$i][$fn].'<br>';
//echo 'on the parts: ';
// so we're in the parts. %a%, %b%, %X% etc.
while($php_functions[$i][$fn]==' ')
while(!$found_terminator && $n<strlen($php_file) && !$failed){
if ($inescaped){
//echo '<i>'.$php_file[$n].'</i>{'.$inescaped.'}';
// $inescaped is the character that prevents what we're looking at being relevent (ie "blah blah;")
if ($php_file[$n]==$inescaped[0] && $php_file[$n-1]!='\\'){
//echo '<b>'.$php_file[$n].'</b>';
if ($php_file[$n]=='"' OR $php_file[$n]=="'")
if ($php_file[$n]=='(')
if ($php_file[$n]==$terminator){
$found_terminator=1;// terminator is actually a seperator -terminates the block ie %a%
//echo '<br>Found terminator';
//echo '<i>'.substr($php_file,$partstart,$n-$partstart).'</i>';
//echo '=<i>'.$parts[$part_label].'</i>';
if($part_label=='X' && $php_file[$n]==chr(10)){
//echo 'found a carriage return';
if ($terminator=='#'){ // # means return.
//echo " and it's the terminator: ".substr($php_file,$partstart,$n-$partstart);
//back character added here as this is normally the buffer between functions
//echo 'fn='.$fn.'. and strlen='.strlen($php_functions[$i]);
//echo " and it's not the terminator. Terminator being sought is -$terminator-";
$failed=1; // no return in an X
//echo $php_file[$n].'{'.ord($php_file[$n]).'}';
//echo 'simply not the same';
if ($fn>=strlen($php_functions[$i])){
// and put the { on the stack if necessary
if ($asp_endings[$i]){
//echo 'gonna add '.$asp_endings[$i].' at next }<p>';
echo '.';
//echo '<br><b>found a match:</b> ('.substr($php_file,$position,$n-$position).')=('.$php_functions[$i].')'.$i.'<p>';
$i=count($php_functions)+1;// to terminate for loop
//echo '<b>end of php block</b>';
return $n;
// ********************************************************************
function flip ($var){
// logical NOT
if ($var)
return $var;
// ********************************************************************
function validvar ($char){
// returns true if $char is valid in a variable (or function) name ie is alpha or _
if (ord($char)>64 && ord($char)<91 )
if (ord($char)>96 && ord($char)<123 )
if ($char=='_')
return $valid;
// ********************************************************************
function swap_function ($start,$end){
// swap fundtions found by find_function using global variables below
global $php_functions;
global $asp_functions;
global $matchedfunctions;
global $bracketstack;
global $php_file;
global $asp_file;
global $asp_endings;
global $failure;
global $parts;
global $match;
$function_count=0; // function count counts functions in order to deal with nested brackets
$fn_end=find_function ($start,$end);
//echo 'going through swap. '.count($partkeys).' parts';
if ($match){
//echo 'Match found!';;
for ($i=0; $i<count($partkeys); $i++){
//echo '<br><b>on</b> '.$parts[$partkeys[$i]].'which has '.strlen($parts[$partkeys[$i]]).' characters';
//update partkeys - magic quotes, mark other functions for translation, etc.
for ($ip=0; $ip<strlen($forlimit); $ip++){
//echo '<br>On part: <b>'.$parts[$partkeys[$i]].'</b><br>';
//echo $parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip];
if ($partkeys[$i]!='X'){
if ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]=='"'){
$ip++; // cos just added in a double quote to escape
}elseif ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip-1]==chr(92)){
}elseif ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]=="'"){
//echo 'In single quotes';
if ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip-1]==chr(92)){
//echo 'ESCAPE FOUND('.substr($parts[$partkeys[$i]],$ip-2,3).')';
//echo 'No escape found('.substr($parts[$partkeys[$i]],$ip-2,3).')';
}elseif ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]=="."){
if(!$insingle && !$indouble){
$parts[$partkeys[$i]]=substr($parts[$partkeys[$i]],0,$ip).' & '.substr($parts[$partkeys[$i]],$ip+1);
}elseif ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]=="$" && $indouble && validvar($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip+1])){
// acceptable characters for a variable
while (validvar($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip])&& $ip<strlen($parts[$partkeys[$i]])){
if ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]=='['){
while (!$endofsquarebrackets && $ip<strlen($parts[$partkeys[$i]])){
if (!$brackets && $parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip+1]!='[')
//echo '<br> i:'.$i.' $partkeys[$i]: '.$partkeys[$i].' $parts[$partkeys[$i]]: '.$parts[$partkeys[$i]]; // NEW
$parts[$partkeys[$i]]=substr($parts[$partkeys[$i]],0,$startvar).'" & '.$varname.' & "'.substr($parts[$partkeys[$i]],$ip-1);
$parts[$partkeys[$i]]=str_replace(' & ""','',$parts[$partkeys[$i]]);
}elseif ($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]=='$' && !$insingle && !$indouble){
// Skip to the end of any VARIABLES, so as not to confuse them with functions
while (validvar($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]) && $ip<strlen($parts[$partkeys[$i]])){
}elseif (validvar($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip]) && !$insingle && !$indouble){
// Mark as FUNCTION if we get letters outside quotes
$ip=$ip + strlen('@@@function@@@');
while (validvar($parts[$partkeys[$i]][$ip])&& $ip<strlen($parts[$partkeys[$i]])){
if (strpos('.'.$thefunction,'%'.$partkeys[$i].'%')){
//echo 'part in function';
//echo ' count($bracketstack)='.count($bracketstack);
//echo '<p>$bracketstack['.$thisloop.']='.$loopend.'</p>';
$parts[$partkeys[$i]]=''; // unset it
//echo "<br><b>XXX: $thefunction</b> $matchedfunctions matched. Now at $fn_end";
//echo htmlentities($asp_file);
}elseif ($php_file[$start]=='}'){
//echo "ADDING ENDING }";
}elseif ($failed<2 && $php_file[$fn_end]!='?') {
while (validvar($php_file[$fn_end]))
return $fn_end; // where the next statement picks up from
// ********************************************************************
function find_php(){
global $php_file;
global $asp_file;
// do we bother translating it or not? - (include also <?php etc)
if ($php_file[$i]=='?' && $php_file[$i-1]=='<'){
'; // the other < will already be there
}elseif ($php_file[$i]=='>' && $php_file[$i-1]=='?'){
//echo 'DID IT UP HERE';
if ($php){
while (white_space($php_file[$i])) { // get to end of white space
while (!$foundend) { // get to end of php block
if ($php_file[$end]=='>' && $php_file[$end-1]=='?')
if ($end>strlen($php_file))
$i=swap_function ($i,$end);
//echo 'Gone to swap_function<p>';
//echo '1:<br>'.htmlentities($asp_file);
if ($i>=$end){
//echo '3:<br>'.htmlentities($asp_file);
// it remains a mystery how it went past the end, but it did, and this puts it right.
echo 'gone past the end by '.substr($php_file,$i,$end-$i).'('.$end-$i.'characters';
//echo '4:<br>'.htmlentities($asp_file);
// **************************************************************
function findcompoundfunctions(){
echo $php_file;
global $php_functions;
global $asp_functions;
global $bracketstack;
global $asp_endings;
global $php_file;
global $asp_file;
global $failure;
global $parts;
global $match;
global $failed;
while ($x=strpos($php_file,'@@@function{{{')){
//echo '<p>with @@@ etc:'.htmlentities($php_file);
// echo '<p>without @@@ etc:'.htmlentities($php_file);
$fn_end=find_function ($x,strlen($php_file));
// ******** copied from swap_function ********
if ($match){
//echo '2nd pass Match found!';
for ($i=0; $i<count($partkeys); $i++){
//echo $match.':'.$thefunction.':';
}elseif ($failed<2) {
// ********** end of copied from swap_function ********
// **********************************************************
function findfunctionname($position){
global $asp_file,$fn_name_list;
$lookingfor='Function fn_';
while (!$found && $n>0){
if (substr($asp_file,$n,$length)==$lookingfor)
while (white_space($asp_file[$found]))
while (validvar($asp_file[$found+$fn_length]))
return 'fn_'.$name;
// **********************************************************
function doreturns(){
global $asp_file;
// find $var_the_function_name
while ($pos=strpos($asp_file,'$var_the_function_name')){
// **********************************************************
function unique($string){
// takes a comma seperated list, and returns a unique one with no blanks
return $string;
// **********************************************************
function tracevars(){
global $asp_file,$asp_top_code;
// do we bother translating it or not? - (include also <?php etc)
if ($asp_file[$i]=='%' && $asp_file[$i-1]=='<'){
}elseif ($asp_file[$i]=='>' && $asp_file[$i-1]=='%'){
// if it's in quotes, also leave it alone
if ($asp_file[$i]=='"'){
if (!$inquotes)
// multi " - get to end and work out what we're doing
if ($noquotes>0)
}elseif ($asp_file[$i]==chr(10) && $asp){
//echo "<br>".substr($asp_file,$i,12).'...';
//echo '<'.substr($asp_file,$i,8).'> ';
if (substr($asp_file,$i,9)=='Function '){
$global_list=" ";// not blank so strpos>0
// Get global variable list if there is one! (maybe global x, y; global z; - ie spread on multiple lines, or not
// //}elseif (substr($asp_file,$i,1)=='E'){
}elseif (substr($asp_file,$i,12)=='End Function'){
//echo 'found end of function';
if ($local_vars){
$local_vars='lv_'.str_replace(',',', lv_',$local_vars);
Dim '.$local_vars;
$asp_file=substr($asp_file,0,$globalstart).$plocal_vars .substr($asp_file,$globalstart);
//echo $asp_file;
}elseif ($infunction && substr($asp_file,$i,13)=='Global_vars {'){
while ($asp_file[$i]!='}')
$global_list.=','.str_replace(' ','',substr($asp_file,$globalstart+13,$nochars)).',';
// so worked out wether or not we need to count this variable
if ($asp && !$inquotes){
//echo 'variable found';
// so it's a variable - find the name
//echo '<br>-'.$varname.'-'.$start.'('.$asp_file[$start].'),'.$n.' blah2 <br>';
//so it's an array
//echo 'an array';
while ($asp_file[$i]!=']')
if ($asp_file[$i]=='+' OR $asp_file[$i]=='-' OR $asp_file[$i]=='*' OR $asp_file[$i]=='/' OR $asp_file[$i]=='%'){
//echo ', math';
}elseif ($asp_file[$i]=='='){
//echo ', defined';
// not right - what if it's just being incremented or something
if ($array)
if ($infunction && !strpos($global_list,',$'.$varname.',')){
// if next is =, but not in 'if', while, etc, then set as defined
// at end ie not in this loop, list the undefineds and ask where they're from
$global_vars=unique ($global_vars);
$global_vars='gv_'.str_replace(',',', gv_',$global_vars);
if (strlen (trim($global_vars))>3)
$global_vars='Dim '.$global_vars;
// **********************************************************
if ($Submit){
//trace_undefined_vars(); // in php they could be from get, post, cookie, etc
find_php(); // swap php functions for asp equivalents
//echo '2:<br>'.htmlentities($asp_file);
//echo '<p> the @@\'d file:<br>'.htmlentities($asp_file).'<p>';
findcompoundfunctions(); // second pass
if ($asp_file[0]=='<' && $asp_file[1]=='%')
//change_system_vars(); // all those things like $PHP_SELF
//dedollarfy(); // remove $ from variable names and change [] to () for arrays
if ($failure){
for ($z=0; $z<=count($failure); $z++){
if (trim($failure[$z]))
$out.= $failure[$z].'<br>';
if (trim($out))
echo "<p>Couldn't translate these functions:<br>*".htmlentities($out).'*';
echo '<p>';
// ************************ change called function names
//echo $fn_name_list;
for ($fnc=1; $fnc<=count($fns); $fnc++){
//echo 'looking for '.$fns[$fnc];
$asp_file=str_replace(' '.$fns[$fnc].'(',' fn_'.$fns[$fnc].'(',$asp_file);
$asp_file=str_replace(' '.$fns[$fnc].' (',' fn_'.$fns[$fnc].'(',$asp_file);
$asp_file=str_replace(' '.$fns[$fnc].'(',' fn_'.$fns[$fnc].'(',$asp_file);
$asp_file=str_replace(' '.$fns[$fnc].' (',' fn_'.$fns[$fnc].'(',$asp_file);
'.$fns[$fnc].' (','
$asp_file=str_replace(' fn_(',' (',$asp_file);// fudge
echo 'The ASP equivalent of your PHP:<br><textarea name="asp" rows="25" cols="100">'.htmlentities($asp_file).'</textarea>';
//echo '<p>PHP:<textarea name="php_file" rows="15" cols="100">'.$original_file.'</textarea>';
<p>Please Note this is a development version and will contain errors
<p>gv_, lv_ and fn_ are added to global variables, local variables and function names to protect the namespace<br>
<td><img src="/shim.gif" width="100" height="1"></td>
<td><img src="/shim.gif" width="600" height="1"></td>
</HTML> |